Soof Retreats
Affiliate program Soof Retreats

Affiliate program

Soof Retreats affiliate program

The Soof Retreats holiday parks are in unique locations in the Netherlands, in the middle of nature and on the waterside.  A stay at these parks means you enjoy a sustainable holiday. All holiday homes are heated sustainably using a heat pump, feature solar panels, and are off the gas grid. Sustainable, responsible, small-scale, and with exclusive character, that is Soof Retreats. The affiliate program of Soof Retreats is offered through the well-known TradeTracker network. 

What does Soof Retreats offer?

  • You will receive a 5% commission
  • No deduplication will take place.
  • Tracking lasts for 30 days and is based on cookies and fingerprints.
  • We work with TradeTracker's Custom Attribution Model, which rewards all publishers fairly
  • We use automatically generated feeds

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Overview of Soof Retreats

Soof Retreats features two holiday parks: Soof Heuvelrug and Soof aan de Rijn (currently under construction). The names already give it away: one park is located on the Utrecht Hill Ridge, and the other park is at the Rhine. Both parks have been developed sustainably and offer luxurious ecolodges for up to 6 persons. These can be booked on the waterside, with wellness, or a combination thereof. The facilities are very child-friendly. There is a swimming pool with water playground, entertainment program during summer, brasserie, playground, and you can rent bicycles.  Soof guarantees a relaxing and great stay.


  • Swimming pool with water playground
  • Entertainment program in summer
  • Brasserie Soof
  • Bicycle rental service
  • Playground

More information or sign up

Would you like to profit off the success of Soof Retreats? Sign up as affiliate through TradeTracker now. Or would you like more information about the affiliate program, do you have questions, or are you looking for suitable images? Contact us through